Sunday, February 24, 2008


These photos were meant to either capture an emotion or invoke an emotion in the viewer. (I took these in India and Africa)


jess said...

I love the first and the second pictures. the blank and unfocused backrounds really help. I really like how you can sense friendship and peace in the second one with seeing there faces.

ImageofLife said...

I really like the first and third picture. When I look at the first picture, I can hear the crying in my head...way to capture the emotion in that one:) I like the contrast in the last few photos.

Anita Opazo said...

You'd done a wonderful job of capturing true and real emotion. You asked about really critiquing your work. Considering your subjects in these images I think you've done a great job as these are obviously taken at the moment (as opposed to staged/studio work). You probably got as close as you could with the best angle possible in each?.