Saturday, February 2, 2008

ordinary... unusual

My idea was to take something normal… like a pair of high heals… and then make it unusual…


jess said...

Really different idea. I really like the ones with the person in them, they seem to express your idea better.I think the color in the top one was a good choice along with the use of the space. I also like the backround included in some of them.

jess said...

I think the top one and the last one are the ones that I like the best. The angles that you took these at were great and the way you brought out the color and completely eliminated it. Good choices. Great photos

Erica Bader said...

I agree that the first and the last pic are the strongest. The composition of the last one is great. There is wonderful depth in the picture. The flash is a little distracting on a couple of the other ones.

Anita Opazo said...

Bravo. I love your idea and how your photos stem from a solid concept that comes across very successfully in your images. I agree that the vibrancy of the first one and the perspective of the last makes them the strongest images in this last project. I would encourage you to go back and play with the options for the other photos and see if you can improve them by playing with contrast or vibrancy as the current presets seem to make them flat and not really catch your eye.

Zachary said...

Wow! What a great theme! I love seeing what people can do with a great theme. I think if you moved the subject to a cleaner background you could have an art show. As of right now, the background is what bugs me the most- and also the vignette seems a bit unnatural.